Seventh Circuit Invalidates Franchise Arbitration Provision

One-sided arbitration provisions may now be unenforceable in Illinois.

It is commonplace for franchise agreements to contain a dispute resolution provision requiring a franchisee to pursue claims against a franchisor through the use of private binding arbitration, as opposed to the judicial court system.  However, the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit recently reiterated that an arbitration agreement that allows one party (i.e. the franchisor) the unfettered right to alter the arbitration agreement’s existence or its scope is illusory and unenforceable.  See Druco Restuarants, Inc. v. Steak N Shake Enterprises, Inc., Nos. 13-3489, 13-3490, 13-3491 August 29, 2014.  If you own a franchise, give us a call today to check to see if the arbitration provision in your agreement is still enforceable.


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Richard Lofgren
Richard Lofgren
Richard Lofgren
Richard Lofgren has twenty eight years of legal experience working with businesses on the issues they face daily during their business cycles. Acting in the capacity of an outside general counsel, he helps business owners to make smarter decisions, build stronger relationships and make and save money.