We Work to Understand Your Business, Solve Problems, and Help You Succeed.
Our clients all face a business environment that is fast-paced, extremely competitive, and increasingly global in nature. Building and sustaining a successful business is more difficult than ever due to the turbulent global economy, and ever-changing regulations. Our goal is to help you succeed, and our personal experience starting and managing businesses gives us a unique and practical perspective that we bring to all our clients' situations.

Trusted Advisors in Business & Commercial Law

Protecting Business Relationships
Every business owner has to manage relationships—with their co-owners, landlords, customers, competitors, employees, and family members. We know what that is like because, in addition to the professional experience that comes from years of advising entrepreneurs, we also have the personal experience of having started, owned, and operated our own businesses. Let us bring our real-life business experience to the table to help you understand the legal and practical implications of your business decisions, transactions, and disputes. Click on the links below to see how we can help you protect, manage, and sometimes end, your business relationships.

Offering Commercial and Investment Real Estate Services

Commercial and Investment Real Estate
As counsel to Business Leaders, Rick and Charles offer a broad range of commercial real estate experience to their clients in DuPage County and Chicagoland. Let them walk you through the process of buying or selling your next commercial or investment property.

Responsive to a Rapidly Changing Marketplace
Home of the ELR Academy
Many business owners believe that the products they sell or the services they provide are their business. What they fail to understand, however, is that those are merely their deliverables. In reality, their business is everything else that goes into getting their deliverables to market—accounting, human resources, marketing, and (especially) legal. The ELR Academy allows us to help entrepreneurs be better business people by teaching them how to improve in these areas. We provide practical tips, share stories about what has worked (and not) for others, and give important and interesting information about changes in the law. We also periodically offer the opportunity to meet with our attorneys to discuss these topics in more depth. Check out the tools provided in the ELR Academy, and give us a call today to find out when and where the next live meeting will be so that you can learn for yourself how to become a better business owner.