Counsel to Business Leaders
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Rick and Charles Welcome
Lawrence K. LaVanWay
as Of Counsel to L&W Larry brings a broad range of business and legal experience to his clients in DuPage County and the surrounding Chicagoland area. After graduating from The University of Michigan Law School, he served several years in Silicon Valley as a consultant for small companies seeking strategic positioning and investment capital. READ MORE ABOUT LARRY >>
Home of ELR Academy
he ELR Academy is a service we provide to give you updates about Illinois law, what to do (and not do) as you run your business, and to keep you abreast of important and interesting information about being an entrepreneur in Illinois. Our goal is to post new information weekly.
Additionally, we periodically offer the opportunity to sit down with Lofgren & Wentworth, P.C. attorneys to discuss these topics in more depth. Give us a call today to find out when the next meeting of the ELR Academy will be held so that you can come participate in the free seminars offered by The Entrepreneur’s Legal Resource.